What is the good pain?  The good pain is that pain that’s needed to make progress. You know, the pain you feel after you complete your workout.  That good muscle soreness that makes you feel like you’re fine all of a sudden.  Like your muscles are bulging just a tad bit more.  Don’t act like […]

My Children, My Inspiration
February 6, 2016

You never know what goes on in the minds of your children even if you have a close relationship with them.  I talk to my kids all the time about everything … so I thought.  It wasn’t until my daughter came to me with an assignment in which she had to write a memoir, that […]

Why Am I Crying?
July 17, 2015

Welllll, as my son says as he starts to give a long drawn out explanation, what in the world is wrong with me?  I just ended a call with my new employer and I’m not excited about my new opportunity.  Am I crazy?  I have in big letters on my vision board “CHANGE”!  Now, “CHANGE” […]