Addiction…Are We All Addicts?
October 20, 2016

From Behind the Wall with the Mr.

The first thing people think about when you speak about addiction is drugs, hell drugs aren’t even the #1 addiction. Throughout your life span, you learn about so many addictions – sex, drugs, gambling, hell even sugars sends the same kind of signal to the brain that drugs do! Think about it, when you crave it and how the body feels when you don’t get it.   Can anyone say withdrawals?… Which eventually lead to your mood changing.  Still we are all addicts, whether we see it or not, don’t fool yourself sitting there saying I’m not addicted to anything. What do we all need to survive? MONEY…Yep Money is the #1 addiction, people will do anything for it, even kill! Legal or illegal careers, people put in long hours to get the dough, you still disagree? Well put it this way, you have to have money in today’s society to survive. From paying rent, the bills, buying cars and clothes, to purchasing the latest technologies, to supporting those nasty habits like drugs, alcohol, food to cigarettes, it all has to be purchased with money. When you got money you feel awesome, but when you don’t, you feel terrible just like a “junkie” when he or she is having withdrawals.  Self-evaluate for the month based on this addiction or if you think you have an addiction at all.  Share your thoughts as well as this topic with others…

& Me

After reading the above thoughts from The Mr., I must agree.  I’m definitely an addict.  I think he threw that sugar in there because he knows that’s my addiction.  I can’t remember exactly what “sugary” food I ate when visiting him during visitation, but he noticed a different look on my face when I ate it!  He looked at me like wow…that really took you to a good place!   That same euphoric feeling that the “typical fiend” gets is the same euphoric feeling that I get and you get too when you get your fix.  You know the feeling, don’t you?  So I guess the point here is who are we to judge?  An addict is an addict and with addictions come consequences be it the debilitating effects on your health and/or family and life.  If you don’t have a law breaking addiction, be glad. The difference between most inmate’s addictions and our addictions is the law.  At least you have an opportunity to rehabilitate yourself or seek professional help.  More inmates need rehabilitation instead of inhumane incarceration.

My sugar addiction could eventually affect my health.  My technology (um…hmmm even Facebook) addiction allows me to be present with the body, but absent in the mind when with my family.

My name is Real Wife, and I’m an addict.  Are you?

One less thought…

The Mr. & Real Wife