5 Reasons to Make Your Spouse Your Study Buddy
August 2, 2015
Illustrated by Grootgamer711
Illustrated by Grootgamer711

At some point in life we must study to show ourselves approved.  We are taught as early as Pre K the importance of studying.  We eventually learn that in order to be successful at our endeavors we must study to pass tests.  Even after passing tests, we continue growth through some type of professional development.  We know and understand that if we do not get so many hours of professional development we will stay stagnate in our careers or some will no longer have a career.  So what makes us think that the most significant endeavor of all, marriage, doesn’t require development?  We just enter at our own risks maneuvering through marriage by trial and error.  Wrong as wrong can be!!  Now is the time to correct that wrong and nurture the most sacred union of all.  Why not start by giving our spouses the same attention we give our careers.  If we don’t do something correctly at work, we learn the correct way to solve our mishap.  If we continue to make the same mistakes, we will eventually be reprimanded.  If we make a mistake within our marriage, we must learn

what caused the problem or our unions will begin to sever.  So why not make your spouse your study buddy?  Nurture your relationship with God’s help.  Check out the 5 benefits of spiritual counseling!

You create a relationship with God.  If you feel like you don’t need God now, I promise your spouse will do something that leads you to Him.  Your spouse is not perfect, he/she will make mistakes.  Your relationship with God will give you comfort, guidance, peace and so much more.   You must have a relationship with God in order to grasp the following benefits.

You learn about yourself.  The best investment ever is to invest in you.  How can you learn about someone else if you don’t know you.  You can’t help your spouse if you’re just as lost as your spouse.

You learn about your spouse.  You are given the opportunity to truly hear your spouses concerns, fears, needs, wants and more.  You’d be surprised at what your spouse shares if you just shut up!

You are given the tools to endure in the good times as well as the bad times.  It’s important that you and your spouse safeguard your marriage.  Problems will arise; however, with the necessary tools the problems can be resolved more peacefully.

You and your spouse can be an example to others by displaying and sharing what you’ve learned.  Help save a family.  So many relationships are salvageable if the right tools are used.

Remember, don’t wait until the problem arises, get fully equipped, learn the compromises!

One less thought …

Real Wife