Trump the Trump: The Best “Hype” Man Ever!
December 22, 2015

Trump the Trump: The Best “Hype” Man Ever!

Mr. Trump you are hilarious!  I can’t recall witnessing a presidential candidate that put on a better one man show than you.  I must say you do a great job at both being the hype man and performing as the headliner act of your show.  For those who may not know, a hype man is that person that gets the crowd riled up before the headlining act of a show.  Yes, I said “show” because I have yet to witness a true platform for your campaign.  To know that America, the country built on “democracy”, has so many Trumpsters and Trumpettes is quite scary.  To know that so many put their confidence in a man that consistently spews hate (Racism: The Virus That Causes Hate) and is not aware that he spews such hate is scary.  No, I take that back.  Mr. Trump is well aware of the hate he spews, he just doesn’t give a damn which in my opinion is worse.  In the early stages of the campaign the Trumptainment was quite funny.  Now the joke is becoming reality due to the number of Trumpsters and Trumpettes that are feeling and fueling the Don’s ego.  “Oh Hail the Don!” they may as well say, “for he is our voice.  He says the things no one has the guts to say!” says the Trupmsters and Trumpettes.  Ok, I will give him that.  Yes, he speaks his truth.  But when your truth demonizes a group of people holistically instead of those truly responsible for terrorist acts – that’s a problem! Especially when there are terrorist acts taking place in America by American citizens of all races, creeds, colors and religions.  Not only have you demonized our Muslim brothers and sisters, you demonize anyone that has an opinion that’s not of your egotistical view.  Yes, this is America and we are entitled to our opinion to a certain extent.  It’s because of people like you that “defamation of character laws” had to be implemented.  You have defamed an entire group of people based off the acts of a few.  And now your Trumptainment has begun to  incite the very terrorist acts that you so vehemently speak against.  If you suggest that America should put a ban on all Muslim travel to the US and  that a database should be put in place for all Muslims, there should also be a database implemented for your followers and you should be banned for promoting such hate.

Image: istock trump-cards-e1453087146102.jpg

Image: istock 

Now as I write, the infamous saying “hurting people hurt people” continues to pop up in my head.  You and all those that intentionally and/or unintentionally inflict pain upon others are often battling their own demons.  We’ve all seen people who seem to have it all but have some type of void that needs to be filled.  Yes, Mr. Trump, it’s time to self evaluate along with your Trupmsters and Trumpettes.  America needs leadership from one that has the best interest of all citizens.  One who is not power hungry.  One who does not bully.  One who does not deem himself/herself as better than others.  One who has a “filter” and can speak his/her truth without demeaning others.  One who will listen to all people and not rudely interrupt the voices of America .  One who will set a great example for our children.  One who thoroughly sifts through matters and doesn’t make rash decisions.  One who can remain cool, calm and collected in the midst of turmoil.  It’s that egotistical character flaw that will give America it’s first dictator and cause America to be even more hated internationally than it is now.   I’m not a psychiatrist but I think it’s fair to say  that America can’t afford a president whose psyche is questionable.   And a note to the Trumpsters and Trumpettes, Mr. Trump the “Narcissistic Hype Man” thinks NOTHING OF YOU; It’s all about HIM!!

One Less Thought …

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