Graduation Rate Increasing, Knowledge Decreasing!
July 15, 2016

My gag order is lifted

I no longer have to live in the conspiracy theory that I blindly entered into seven years ago after making the difficult decision to resign. When I entered the education system as an educator, I didn’t know I had to conceal the truth. Did anyone tell me that directly? Of course not, but I soon learned that teachers that speak the truth, and truly want the best for their children, are indirectly  reminded that they must “play the game”. For those that have never been a part of the education system, you may be wondering what the game consists of? Well, let’s just start by saying you may not know the components of the game, but you are definitely seeing the aftermath of this game.  The graduation rate may be increasing, but the knowledge of  too many of our public school graduates is decreasing.   The many mishaps that our society endures on a daily basis at the hands of our youth is a true indication that school systems are failing.  We’ve seen the countless videos of student and teacher confrontations, student on student confrontations, student -principal – parent confrontations, an increase in crimes committed by youth, the incompetence and lack of respect  received as a customer in business establishments…must I continue?

Yes, the graduation rate is increasing but is the knowledge of our graduates decreasing?

It appears that our youth are becoming educated due to the claim that the graduation rate is increasing. Yes, the graduation rate is increasing but is the knowledge of our graduates decreasing? No longer do the days exist where the teacher teaches the student and the student is given that ONE opportunity to provide evidence of his/her learning through an assessment or assignment. Why should I study if I know I’m going to get a retake…duh! No longer does the student have to take full responsibility for his/her learning. No longer does a zero mean just that a zero. No longer do students that are suspended receive zeros for the work they received while they were suspended. No longer are there reading classes that focus on reading. There are students graduating that are on elementary grade reading levels. And several are students that do not receive special services. No longer do students wait to fight after school or in the hallway. Students will “d-up” (fight) right there in the classroom.  No longer is it the student’s fault for failing, most blame is placed on the teachers.

Hear Our Teachers’ Cry

Teachers must reteach until the students comprehend what’s taught. Now, maybe it’s me… but I could have sworn the purpose of school was to educate and prepare students for the forthcoming working world.  Since when do employers give employees so many opportunities to get it right?   No longer can a teacher fail a student without having to write an entire “biography” (Response To Intervention -documented evidence of implemented strategies, assignments,behavior assessments, parental correspondence, team meetings etc.).  So imagine having several struggling students while teaching, writing a “biography”  about each struggling student that must be constantly edited, replanning previously taught lessons, and dealing with behavior.  Most of the behavior issues are a result of students being behind and/or a call to action for attention that’s not being received at home in addition to the prison modeled schools.


And the Mis-Education Continues Dr. Carter G. Woodson

Now, is this mis-education happening in all schools?  Of course not, but it’s happening in way too many schools and particularly our  inner city schools which are majority Black and Hispanic students.  Teachers see it and live it everyday.  Teachers that have a genuine concern for students are probably most stressed because they know that the redundant renamed programs (with a tweak here and there) are not going to answer the problems that our children face.  However,  many teachers don’t say anything because they need their jobs to sustain their livelihood.  For the teachers that do speak, they must be prepared to receive their pink slips. Too many administrators and superintendents aren’t supportive of their teachers. Often, teachers go into teaching hopeful that they will and can make a difference in a child’s life making teaching their profession.  But to their dismay, they become overwhelmed and burned out before they can even make it past the first three years.  Teacher turnover rate is ridiculously high in inner city schools.   According to Alliance for  Excellent Education, New Alliance Report says Teacher Attrition Costs United States Up to $2.2 Billion Annually.

Just a Piece of the Puzzle

Until real problems are addressed, teacher turnover rate will remain at an all time high, students will continue to graduate with decreased knowledge, and society will continue to …well, i have no words for society right now.   However, in order for our society to improve, our systems must change.  No Child Left Behind left too many behind, while Common Core was ahead of it’s time increasing rigor for the already left behind children.  More than likely, those children that fall in the “left behind” achievement gap are children that lack parental support. For whatever reasons not all parents are actively involved in their child’s lives.  Can the school system fill that void?  Of course not, but programs can be put in place to give students the basic life skills they need to succeed in life. Students spend most of their time at school, so schools must take a different approach.   I truly believe, life skills (with an emphasis on African American self awareness) are just as important if not more important than basic core classes.  A student can have all A’s with no life skills and fail at life, while the student that struggles with maintaining good grades yet has great life skills, will be able to succeed in life.  Many believe it’s not the job of the school system to take on “parental” responsibility but if the school system does not assist, society will continue to feel the tremendous impact of those students the school systems have failed.  It’s time for public schools to teach the whole child not just academics!

One less thought…

Real Wife

Danielle Steele Williams


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1 comment

  1. I have felt this way a long time. It is a sad situation. I have learned that if your child is taking regular classes, majority of the time they are not being taught a dog gone thing. As parents, especially black parents we have to push our children to go beyond taking mediocre/ regular classes and strive toward Honors and AP courses. A lot of times those are the courses their caucasian classmates are partaking in and a lot more educational instruction takes place. I know this to be true because I am a parent they went to the counselor and requested in a professional way that my child be renoved from regular classes during her sevebth grade year and placed un honors courses. My request was granted, and my child has only achieved greatness. I am a firn believes that if a child is taught the information, they can learn it. However, you have to have instructors that are willing to teach and want to witness greatness in their students. Don’t get me wrong now, there are some srudents that just refuse to want beyter for themselves, and yes they should be removed from the classroom so that the children they want to kearn and succeed have an opportunity to do so.